In the season of Easter we are invited to live out our resurrected lives.
Eugene Peterson writing in "Living the Resurrection" says,
"We Christians are statione, along with the children, to affirm the primacy of life over death, to give witness to the connectedness and presiousness of all life, to engage in the practice of resurrection.
We do this by gathering in congregations and regular worship before our life-giving God and our death-defeating Crhist and our life-abounding Holy Spirit. We do it by reading, pondering, teaching, and preaching the Word of Life as it is revealed in our Scriptures. We do it by baptizing men, women, and children in teh name of the Trinity, nurturing them into a resurrection life. We do it by eating the life of Jesus in the bread and wine of Eucharist. We do it by visiting prisoners, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, welcoming the stranger, healing the sick, working for justice, loving our enemies, raising our children, doing our everyday work to the glory of God.
---it's all pretty ordinary. It doesn't take a great deal of training or talent to do any of it."
It's true! Living the resurrection is simply living out our daily lives under the promise of resurrection. It changes everything. It takes our ordinary lives and makes them extraordinary, life-giving. May The Risen Christ befound in your everyday life.
In the season of Easter we are invited to live out our resurrected lives.
Eugene Peterson writing in "Living the Resurrection" says,
"We Christians are statione, along with the children, to affirm the primacy of life over death, to give witness to the connectedness and presiousness of all life, to engage in the practice of resurrection.
We do this by gathering in congregations and regular worship before our life-giving God and our death-defeating Crhist and our life-abounding Holy Spirit. We do it by reading, pondering, teaching, and preaching the Word of Life as it is revealed in our Scriptures. We do it by baptizing men, women, and children in teh name of the Trinity, nurturing them into a resurrection life. We do it by eating the life of Jesus in the bread and wine of Eucharist. We do it by visiting prisoners, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, welcoming the stranger, healing the sick, working for justice, loving our enemies, raising our children, doing our everyday work to the glory of God.
---it's all pretty ordinary. It doesn't take a great deal of training or talent to do any of it."
It's true! Living the resurrection is simply living out our daily lives under the promise of resurrection. It changes everything. It takes our ordinary lives and makes them extraordinary, life-giving. May The Risen Christ befound in your everyday life.