Thursday, January 05, 2017

This week in my reading of blogs I cam across this one entitled; 6 Disruptive Church Trends That Will Rule 2017 by Carey Nieuwhof. Here Carey outlines what he sees as six trends that will be affecting the church in 2017. The six are:

1. Consumer Christianity will die faster than ever

2. Cool Church will Morph

3. Preachers Who Can’t Speak to the Unchurched Will Preach to a Shrinking Crowd

4. Preaching will fuse both the head and the heart

5. Anonymity will continue to give way to community

6. Engagement will become the new attendance

I found the article a good springboard for thoughts about the ministry here at Zion. Maybe we can start come conversation around these ideas and begin to think about where God is leading Zion in 2017. Here is the link to the full article.

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